12 OCR Tips for Newbies

Misty Diaz Spartan

Not sure what to wear? What to bring? How to tackle an obstacle? Don’t worry, I got you covered! Here are my 12 OCR Tips for Newbies.


1. First, have Fun!

Misty Diaz OCR

OCR's are designed to be challenging, but not impossible.


2. Wear the Right Shoes  

Reebok OCR Spartan

If you're trying an OCR race out for the first time to see if you like it wear older shoes with terrain grips. No running shoes! You need traction. Of course, I have to recommend Reebok shoes designed specifically for OCRs will be the best option.


3. Prepare to Get Dirty

Gladiator Run Misty Diaz

You are going to get muddy in places you never would imagine. Underwear helps. A little. 

4. Dress Light. No Cotton.

The less clothing the better. Avoid clothing that will soak up water. Team outfits are highly recommended.  


5.  Pack Light for Short Races

Only race with the gear you need, but pack extra stuff to change into after the race. Extra shoes or flip flops, trash bags and extra towels to put in the car so you don't get dirt everywhere. Snacks are important! You can leave these at the bag check. 


6. If you are unsure about an obstacle

Watch a few people attempt it first, then tackle it!  


7. If you are still unsure about an obstacle

Ask for help. OCR is about teamwork.  Tip: Try to join a team if its your first OCR and always try over come your fears!


8. Cleaning Off

The run usually supplies the shower. Some are nicer than others. You will need trash bags for dirty clothing, slippers or other shoes to wear leaving, baby wipes for the face, extra clothing to change into, cash for food and parking, towels to place over the car seats, and no there's not always soap. I've been too many OCR events where they had no soap and just 10 water hoses.


9. Bring Some Plastic Bags

You will need them for your clothes after the event. Also bring hydration for longer OCR races and zip lock everything, pack a buff to keep the dust out of your mouth and old glasses to keep out of your eye.


10.  Dry Fit is Recommended

Dry fit and compression gear won't hold water and compression is great for recovery of the joints. Also, pick up some mustard, you can grab little packets at your grocery story. When a cramp comes on, eat the mustard asap and bring a pack.


11. Put your game face on

You got this! 



Before, during and after pics are a must. Your friends will be jealous!


These are a few of my tips for first timers, let me know what your tips and questions are!